17 Nisan 2009 Cuma

what about the truth?

Anne Hagen: God knows they were brave, Jimmy. Dad smiled down at me like he didn't have a care in the world. God wants you to be brave. You can be too. God can help you see into the hearts of everyone who fell, like I do. His witness, which you are too. God wants us to forgive that man.

Jimmy Jaspersen:So witness, but tell what you really saw! Tell it!

Jimmy Jaspersen: Tell it.

Anne Hagen:I saw Dad. And he smiled down and he told me not to be scared. He was so brave. And then... I was holding his hand, and he was holding mine... and then his Coke spilled.

Jimmy Jaspersen: No!

Anne Hagen:Then there were more shots, and the alarm went off.

Jimmy Jaspersen: No, remember it!

Jimmy Jaspersen: You go on and I will!

Jimmy Jaspersen: Tell it.

Anne Hagen: He did... he did...

Jimmy Jaspersen: Nothing!

Anne Hagen:I just sat there. I just sat there while... while that man shot Dad and I... didn't do anything

Anne Hagen: I didn't hold his hand. I let go of his hand. I couldn't help it. He didn't die brave like I said at all, he was just scared and alone and he peed in his pants... I didn't do anything,I'm sorry.

Anne Hagen: I can't ever forgive that man for what he did. I can't. Never.

become a role model

D: Can I get a large black coffee?
B: A what?
D: Large black coffee.
B: Do you mean a venti?
D: No, I mean a large.
B: Venti is large.
D: No, venti is twenty. Large is large. In fact, tall is large and grande is Spanish for large. Venti is the only one that doesn't mean large. It's also the only one that's Italian. Congratulations, you're stupid in three languages.
B: A venti is a large coffee.
D: Really? Says who? Fellini? Do you accept lira or is it all euros now?